Hand Pulled Prints, Books, Drawings and More

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Great Shows in Reno

"For Your Eyes Only" at the NMA
If you weren't able to attend the panels and discussions lead at the Nevada Museum of Art last Saturday then you missed a quick but well informed day of book arts, small press publication, and networking with local letterpress, printmaking, and art professionals. The show exhibiting some of the book art from the University of Nevada, Reno's special collections archive is still on display. Special collections at the University was curated by Bob Blesse of the Black Rock Press for nearly thirty years. Titled "For Your Eyes Only" this exhibit includes outstanding examples of artist books and book arts by local creators, including Professor Eunkang Koh, as well as nationally recognized book creators. This will be up through the end of the week and I highly recommend taking a look. These books run the gambit of structure, content, and image. A lovely little example of book arts.
"Undercurrents" by Bovey Lee
 Also at the Nevada Museum of Art is a collection of works by paper cut artist of Bovey Lee. Titled "Undercurrents" there are many intricate images carved in paper and beautifully suspended. If you've never had a chance to see this kind of paper cutting before this is a great time to go. Some of Lee's images depict slice-of-life scenes made majestic by the material, other images are ethereal and intriguing in subject matter alone.
"The Fox with the Golden Fur" Ultra Chocolates
If you like paper cuts get a load of The Fox with the Golden Fur. Seen through the G+ account of Lisa Cheney-Jorgensen, from whom I'll be taking a book arts workshop later this October.

This is chocolate packaging.

There are several different paper cut scenes for the different chocolates that come in a small package of chocolate. Each scene narrates a different moment of the story. I'm stunned, honestly, not just the effort but the precision of this project is exact and very impressive. I love the concept of the chocolate telling a story as it's unwrapped. Also, did you realize that each chocolate looks like a little story book? I'm in heaven over here.

While I'm here, let me tell you about the next show!

Tell me which paper cut piece you liked, ask about which of the panels I attended last weekend, or just drink and enjoy the fabulous Sierra Tap House. It'll be a great time and costumes are encouraged. This is all printed work by the Inkheads and is our third Halloween show as a group - last year almost 200 people came to Dickerson Road - we always rock the haus.

Sierra Tap House (Downtown Reno - West St.)
Thursday, October 25th 7-9pm

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Print Day with Friends

Sam pulling a print from "Madonna"

Many people have the time and money to devote hours and expense to their favorite hobbies. Viki LoSasso is one of those enthusiasts who does her best to keep up-to-date equipment and supplies for some of her favorite activities, one of which is printmaking. Her beautiful Ettan etching press is in need of occasional exercise and so every once in awhile she invites a few friends to take "Madonna" for a spin.

Sarah keeping things clean!
After a lovely day of printing we had a delicious meal accompanied by a very appropriate vintage. Good times were had by all!
Excellent stuff!