Hand Pulled Prints, Books, Drawings and More

Monday, May 2, 2011

Lessons from the RMPAS

Enclosures, Structures, Protection
Direction, Planning, Technique
Identity, Individuality, Emotion

Familiarity, Challenge, Definitions
If I learned anything from the Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance Symposium that I attended last week, it's that perspective matters. There were some very talented printmakers giving presentations at the Symposium, from Kathryn Polk's multi-color stone and polyester plate lithography to Justin Diggle's large copper etching and aquatints. The student's open portfolio was interesting as well, and a good opportunity for me to see where I was on the scale of amateur work. I don't consider myself a professional artist since I don't earn any money from my artistic efforts, but I'm beginning to go in a different direction. Artists are not people who like to be nailed down into one technique or stereotype. Just because money is an important part of my life that dictates what I can and cannot do (as far as travel, art supplies, studio space, etc.) doesn't mean that it defines who I am.
In my family who we are individually is described more heavily by our professions than our gender, skin color, or age. My mother is a teacher, a scientist, a mother and an activist. My father is a leader, teacher, father and activist. My grandmothers were mother, musician, volunteer and nurse - business woman, negotiator, cook and parent. I could drown in all the nouns that describe the people who inspire and affect my life.
This symposium showed me that I have a lot of growing ahead of me. My partner has shown me that I got a good start. My teachers have shown me that I have the potential to go far.

Wear gloves when cleaning wood blocks

Don't freak out if they don't have your name at Registration.

They are just people, don't be scared!

Drinking can be good for you.

Costume Bowling is even better.

Especially when everyone participates!

Have a good time no matter where you are.

Heavy machinery can be very exciting; contain yourself.

Any excuse to make friends is a good one.

Especially when they give you flowers - thanks Stephanie!

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